Villa Castiglioni 2016 - 90 pts Ian D'Agata / Terroir Sense

from TerroirSense Wines of the Marche: Delicious Age-worthy Whites,…

Senex 2015 - 93 pts Ian D'Agata / Terroir Sense

da TerroirSense Wines of the Marche: Delicious Age-worthy Whites,…

Vigneto Fogliano 2017 - 93 pts Terroir Sense

da TerroirSense Wines of the Marche: Delicious Age-worthy Whites,…

Verdicchio di Matelica 2019 - 91 pts Terroir Sense

from TerroirSense Wines of the Marche: Delicious Age-worthy Whites,…